Archive for February, 2016

**It’s been a while since we’ve looked at a property that needs adapting here at Comic Book Media. However, with the recent release of Deadpool and the massive success it garnered, we’re guessing that Hollywood is going to be looking for another humorous and violent book to turn into an R-rated feature. So, here’s Brian Sea Baer with a look at a wildly off-kilter comic that would make for one hell of a fun movie.**

2010 saw the release of Sea Bear & Grizzly Shark, an absurd and absurdly funny one-shot from Image Comics. The double-sized issue was split in half: the first half tells a tale of revenge, cyborgs, Dr. Moreau-style animal hybrids, and a murderous aquatic bear; and in the second, a shark flies through a forest and devours the oblivious people who accidentally cut themselves, since everyone knows a shark can smell blood from a hundred miles away. It makes perfect sense.
sbgs (more…)

Who would’ve thought a little cable channel known for teen melodrama would one day be on the cutting edge of comic book television? I know I talk a lot about my love for their Televisual DC Universe (yes, I’m still looking for an alternative to “Arrow-verse”) but it really can’t be stressed enough just what a big deal it is. They single-handedly changed the landscape of TV with one little show about a dude in green who shoots people with arrows. Compare what most channels offered in 2012 to right now and see just how many comic-based shows cropped up in Arrow‘s wake. And, if you want to take it back even further, Arrow was ostensibly a spinoff of Smallville. And even though that show had plenty of issues, it showed that this channel (and its precursor, The WB) have seen something worthwhile in comic adaptations since 2001. Anyway, I find it appropriate to discuss the history that made Legends of Tomorrow, the newest in the CWDCU (I’ll get there eventually, I swear) since it’s a series about traveling to the past in an effort to correct the future.