Archive for the ‘Panel to Pixels’ Category

It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these! I think the main reason behind that is that it’s been a long time since I’ve played a comic book related game that has made me want to discuss it at length. Sure, I’m a sucker for the Lego Batman or Lego Marvel series, but there’s not exactly much to say about them other than, “There’s a lot of characters. You collect stuff.” Luckily, we have a developer like Telltale Games that crafts interesting, character-based narratives that invite discussion from players.



**Panel to Pixels is a new column that will examine video game adaptation of comic books. I’ve discussed a game’s take on specific characters only a couple of times in the past. And really, I had always figured this blog would focus on film and television. However, after playing this game I felt the need to share it. And once the flood gates are open, you know how it goes…**

Comic books and video games have had a long history together. Sadly, that history has largely been marred with sloppy, second-rate productions that are more about cashing in on a licensed character than they are about making a decent game (Superman 64 immediately springs to mind). That said, there have been some shining examples of how good a comic book video game can be. The Arkham series has created a bankable franchise out of Batman and his ever-expanding rogues’ gallery and a game based on X-Men Origins: Wolverine ended up being far, far better than the film of the same name. Again, those are the rarities. Whenever a comic-based game is announced it’s always met with a healthy dose of skepticism, even if the company working on it has a proven track-record in designing top-notch licensed content.
