Archive for the ‘TV’ Category

There probably isn’t another comic character who has had three fairly high profile appearances in television with such a low profile in the public consciousness. And honestly? That’s likely how Christopher Chance would want it. Created by comic legends Len Wein and Carmine Infantino for DC Comics, Chance is the man that you turn to when someone is out to get you. He assumes your identity and hides in plain sight in order to draw out your attackers. He becomes a human target.


Writer Brian C. Baer recently got reacquainted with the original Flash TV series from the early 90’s. Enjoy his look at the second of that show’s direct-to-video offerings!

With news of more headaches surrounding the long-anticipated DCEU Flash solo movie, and as the Scarlet Speedster’s CW “Arrowverse” show has been renewed for a fifth season, we here at ComicBookMedia believe it’s time to look at one of the character’s previous translations into film. By which we mean television. By which we mean both. Kind of. (more…)

Back in 2001, the thought of comic book characters on TV screens was a largely foreign concept. There was little to suggest that comic heroes could find any success on network television. When Smallville premiered in the fall of that year, it played safe and stuck to conventions of teen dramas at the time. While focusing on a young Clark Kent, pre-Superman, its first few seasons did little to escape a “threat of the week” formula that allowed for little in the way of plot-growth. However, the series eventually did mature over its 10 year run. While many view the show from the position of the doldrums of its first few seasons, that is to intentionally ignore the strides that the series took in quality and characterization in its later years. That’s no better encapsulated than in the 2-part special during the 9th season, “Absolute Justice”.

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Back in the 1970’s the comic book landscape was almost entirely dominated by white heroes and their supporting casts. DC Comics, seeing a niche to be filled, decided to create their first black hero. And so Black Bomber was born!

Another year comes to a close and another Best/Worst list from Comic Book Media is completed. This year, Colby and Brian are joined by a real life celebrity! Burr Martin (alias Selfie Dad) enjoys the occasional comic book movie and TV show when not mimicking his family’s Instagram photos or hosting podcasts. So welcome Burr onto the team and check out our picks for the best and worst of all things Comic Book Media in 2017! And, of course, find out who’ll be winning this year’s coveted Golden Evans award…