Archive for December, 2016


Posted: December 8, 2016 in CommentaryCast
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bprdI still cannot believe that this movie is 12 years old. Argh! Where does the time go?! Anyway, you’ve likely seen this movie. It’s awesome. I stand by my statements about both Ron Perlman and Doug Jones. Both are amazing actors and insanely cool people. Hellboy is a rare adaptation that doesn’t necessarily go with any particular story from the comic but absolutely nails the universe, tone and characterization of the comic series. Director Guillero Del Toro’s love for the source material is clear in every second of film and the personalities of all of the cast comes through wonderfully even when covered with layer upon layer of prosthetics and make-up. The follow-up film, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, continued that tradition and created an even richer world of fantasy. Sadly, at this point, there is no third film to complete the trilogy. Hopefully (but doubtfully) that’ll happen some day since this series is so much fun that a continuation seems both necessary and logical. (more…)